In the state of Ohio, Spice/K2 is illegal. Unfortunately, a client that came to our firm was unaware of that before he was arrested for possession and distribution of the drug. The individual works as a distributor of tobacco and other products that are sold at convenience stores and gas stations.
He operates a recognized business that is incorporated and even files annual tax returns. Despite his honorable business, he was arrested when he continued selling Spice/K2 after the product was deemed illegal.
Our client was unaware that the Ohio state laws had changed regarding the drug, and faced a mandatory prison sentence if convicted. The client was charged with multiple counts of drug possession and drug trafficking. He was even at risk to being labeled a major drug offender. The attorneys at Gounaris Abboud, LPA worked hard with this client and negotiated with the prosecution to work out the case to the client’s benefit. The individual had to admit to a low level felony, but he was able to get most of his charges dismissed in a plea bargain.
Also, the individual was able to avoid prison altogether, skirting the mandatory sentence that could have jeopardized his career and complicated his life. The client was thrilled with the results that he received after working with the hardworking and aggressive team at Gounaris Abboud, LPA. If you have been arrested for a drug crime, such as trafficking or possession, then the attorneys at this Dayton criminal defense firm may be able to help you as well. The lawyers at Gounaris Abboud, LPA are dedicated to assisting you in your case and getting you the results that you want. They will do whatever they can tow work with the prosecution towards a satisfactory verdict or possible even a dismissal in your situation.